Facial paralysis

Facial paralysis is facial asymmetry due to weakness of the facial muscles (muscles of facial expression).
It is the result of temporary or permanent damage to the facial nerve.
When the facial nerve is not working or is missing, the muscles of the face do not receive the necessary signals to function properly. This results in paralysis of the affected side of the face, with impaired movement of the forehead (with consequent drooping of the forehead), paralysis of the eyelids with inability to close and shield the eyes, paralysis of the cheek muscles affecting smiling, mouth movement, and lower lip paralysis.
Facial paralysis can be total, affecting the entire side of the face, or partial, affecting the upper or lower part of the face.

What is the cause?

There are several causes of facial paralysis. It can be caused by trauma to the facial nerve, as well as certain types of localized infections or inflammation. Some surgical procedures can also produce facial paralysis, for example, tumors within the cranial region or face that affect the facial nerve (such as acoustic neuromas and parotid gland tumors). It can also be related to a herpes viral infection or be idiopathic (Bell's palsy). Facial paralysis may also be present at birth and may involve one or both sides of the face (known as Moebius syndrome).

Signs and symptoms


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