Facial Plastic Surgery

A facelift improves the appearance of the aging process of the face, offering a more youthful complexion, from the corner of the eyes to the clavicle.
Over time, the skin loses its elasticity and the underlying fatty tissue loses volume. Aging leads to sagging cheeks, excess skin around the neck and chin, as well as drooping, puffy, and deep wrinkling around the lower lid, through the nasolabial fold, and down to the neck.
Facelifts are among the most common treatments in plastic surgery. The small scars hide through the natural folds around the ear and ending within the hairs on the neck. The facelift can be simultaneously accompanied by a forehead lift or smoothing around the eyelids.
The duration of the procedure indicates the amount of time the guest must allow for each treatment session.
In the case of a facelift, the time needed for treatment is approximately 3-4 hours.
Mild to moderate. To ensure our patient feels as little as possible, we induce a twilight sleep for larger procedures such as facelifts.
Post-surgical care
A compression bandage should be applied directly after the facelift and worn for one to two days; there will be some swelling for the first week. There may be small bruises around the cheeks, these will disappear in two or three weeks. In general, smoking should be avoided for 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after the procedure. Blood thinners such as aspirin should be avoided in the first few days after the operation. After 10-14 days, the stitches are removed. Intense sunlight should be avoided for approximately three months after the facelift.
For a facelift, we recommend taking a 2-3 week break.
Social activities
The patient can usually resume social activity 2-3 weeks after a facelift.
After 2 to 3 weeks exercise can be resumed.

Facial rejuvenation with Swiss threads

Facial rejuvenation with threads consists of inserting very thin threads under the fatty tissue of the face; The entire face can be lifted and smoothed. With this non-surgical treatment, the cheeks can be lifted and the jaws improved. Droopy brows return to their youthful position, the corners of the mouth no longer droop, and the midface area retains its volume. The threads can be used to lift the cheeks, corners of the mouth, nasolabial fold, neck, and eyebrows. Depending on the wishes of the guest, Botox or fillers (hyaluronic acid) can be simultaneously introduced according to their need. Duration In the case of a Swiss thread lift, the total time needed for the treatment is approximately 30 minutes. Pain Thread lifting is performed under local anesthesia or, if desired, under a twilight sleep. Post-surgical care Local ice should be applied for 2 days. Job The next day. Social activities The patient can usually resume social activity the next day. Exercise After 10 days.

Facial rejuvenation with peeling

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